Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Transform At Technology Trends Applications-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Transform At Technology Trends Applications? Answer: Introducation This project discusses about the mobile application development called as mobile communication that can address various trends in the organization since the organization basically deals with the supply of wide range of goods worldwide and thus have a wider market. This application has been designed to use wireless controls and the major wireless functions in the mobile phone that includes 2G/3G/4G (GSM/EDGE/CDMA/UMTS/WCDMA/LTE/LTE-A/TDSCDMA/TD-LTE) cellular modem, and wireless connectivity systems such as Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), broadcasting receivers, and Near-Field Communication (NFC) (Aguirre et al. 2016). Development of this application was carried by the supervisor with the point of expanding on the work process of the organization, correspondence and efficiency of the staff both with the operations representatives and in house all over the world. The project is aimed at solving the costs and supporting assumptions associate d with the proposed solution, the strategy alignment within the companys IT strategies. There is an expansion of representatives utilizing their own cell phones. In this report, a CIO of an enterprise is impressed with a mobile application which is being presented by the manager and has commissioned a senior member of the ICT department to make a report to the CFO of the company on the strategic development, implementation and integration of the application within the existing information system. Proposed solution The proposed solution of the development of mobile communication to address the issues that has been detected by an un-effective communication within the workers or employees, on the improvement of the productivity of the company and also in the improvement of the workflow among the employee. It has been analyzed and found that there are issues regarding exchange of information among the employee and thus the communication was much formulaic than spontaneous. Along these lines there is a need of actualizing another portable correspondence application with a specific end goal to guarantee compelling correspondence. This is a various data sharing procedure that includes sending secure and reasonable messages from the sending gathering to the getting party. In an organization, compelling correspondence is fundamental for the representatives and can prompt the business achievement. The chosen organization is a hospital where we tried to serve the patients suffering from different problems and diseases. The main target was to provide service for all the problems with very efficient doctors providing service to every age group of patients. This the reason a project has been develop for the betterment of the organization. Now if the project has not been developed the following f actors may arise: The continuity growth of the business in terms of income may reduce annually There might be an increase in physical cost and profitability The IT systems of the business may remain constant The earning capacity of the company may also reduce. There might be a decline in quality of support the office provides to the consultants and clients Design of the app: In the first page of the app the patient has to register by using his name and mobile number. After the patient finishes the enrolment procedure. In the following page the patient will have the alternative to book the arrangement of the specialist, the choice to book for the wellbeing check, the lab reports choice, choice for wellbeing offers, choice for wellbeing tips and crisis number. In the following page, the bundles that are accessible in the clinic. In this there are distinctive tests are said alongside the interview. In the following page, the alternative to book an arrangement of the required specialist on the date when the patients are free. We can likewise observe that the accessibility of the date. And the last page is the affirmation page. Here, the booking of the date is affirmed by vacancies. Cost analysis This segment of the report incorporates the presence of different targets which is the primary purpose behind the improvement of the project work. The hospital will be driven forward if the management uses the technology properly. This helps to find the new way of expansion of the business (Costello et al. 2017). Through this proposed project, the business will bring down some expenditure such as: Hiring of experts; Purchasing equipments and many more. Design aspects: The mobile application will be associated with user logging and monitoring works; the complexity of this app has been set to some medium range. The time taken for building such specifications on a mobile application is approximately 200-300 hours. The cost for it is 10000$- 20000$. Development aspects: The creating stage incorporates expansion of the highlights and in addition the stage for the portable application. As the unpredictability of the application is set to a medium range in application, the time required for its advancement is 600-800 hours. The cost for such improvement is 20,000$-50,000$. Testing: Testing will be done after consummation of the application to know its structure. This can incorporate the requirement for emulators or genuine Smartphone to help encourage the prerequisites. Emulators have a minimal effort and are frequently free, yet they are not successful in testing. The utilization of genuine gadgets for testing can energize to 2000$. Deployment: The cost for publishing the application in Google Store is 25$. Maintenance: This is another aspect which needs to be specified. It is considered to be 20% of the total budget per year. Marketing: Necessary promotions to get app installs will be included. The budget is considered to be 1000$. Design: 15,000$ Development: 30,000$ Testing: 2,000$ Deployment: 25$ Maintenance: 8000$ (considering the budget to be 55,000$) Total: 55,025$ Strategic alignment The essential goal of this task is to coordinate the considering and observing capacity of the workplace supervisor in their work effectively. As their principle work incorporates practicality and consistency in the operations of the business, the requirement for a superior arrangement is important to coordinate the necessities. This task is subsequently in view of these prerequisites which will help the supervisors and the association to effectively accomplish the business progression adequacy. The fundamental purposes behind the usage of this undertaking is the get the advantages of high benefits and increment in client base. This venture is additionally expected to help the concerned specialists to spare time in dealing with the exercises of their work. Versatile applications are an exceptionally proficient instrument which is utilized for the improvement of administrations. The utilization of such portable application can help the concerned experts to keep an eye on the clients constantly. This will likewise enable them to give esteems and inputs to their questions by remote to get to. This will influence the clients to feel more dynamic and connected with towards the administrations and help to build their dependability. In conclusion, the primary advantage is that the utilization of such applications will help the dental administration to face the opposition available. This is the primary goal of the portable application that will be utilized for profiting the organiza tion's administrations. This will help the supervisors to continually audit the exercises of the representatives and screen their work as needs be. This would not require the administrator to remain physically show in the workplace as the application can give physical access to the framework. Moreover, the clients can likewise book for management without the should be physically present in the inside. What's more, a client can likewise enroll them to monitor their arrangements. For existing clients, the nearness of a login tab is likewise there which they can use to get to. Secret word recuperation highlight will likewise be coordinated in the application that will evacuate the requirement for errors. Besides, there is an administration tab for the clients to browse a scope of different administrations to decide on. Besides, the application will likewise show the colleagues will's identity in charge of operations or administrations. The application additionally demonstrates an about us page for showing their data and in addition a reach us page for asking any questions. Value proposition and other benefits of the solution The project will aim to benefit the company employees and the clients by improving on the communication technology and easy link between themselves. It will improve on the quality of services delivered to the clients by enhancing customer support. This is intended to improve on customers satisfaction as well as the workers, more especially the consultants of the business. The business also intends to maintain its earnings as this is regarded an optimal level of earnings for the business and will therefore look into ways to maintain the already captured market percentage and if possible, attract new clients. To provide unique services different from other project, there will be organization of the management of the application. The project will lay down strategies to reduce human resource costs, it will train employees before recruiting it to manage the application. A project plan will be laid to ensure timely execution of activities as it will be done. For any matter, adjustments wil l be made according to the proposed schedule to ensure effective achievements of the project operations (Hopkins et al. 2016). The project will ensure uniqueness by setting the goals and objectives which will help in setting strategies for the business growth and will ensure expansion of the company in a short period of time. Project budget will also be drafted to forecast the expected expenditures during the execution of the project and it will help in calculating the total amount of requirements to successfully implement the whole project. This budget will also help in effective allocation of funds according to different fields. The intended interest group of the versatile application will be founded on two distinct viewpoints. One of them is the perfect case and the other is the perfect patient. The perfect case has three prospects to decide the intended interest group. The principal prospect incorporates those threes administrations that are the least demanding to do. The versatile arrangement is superior to the use of options. The main explanation behind such articulations is the nearness of remote availability. The clients can book for arrangements without the need of being physically present in the inside. A client can likewise enlist them to monitor their arrangements. This will help in better benefit obtaining for the business. Project management and control This is the way toward checking, regulating and dealing with the undertaking in a business. The assignment of dealing with the versatile correspondence application in the organization will lie under departments of IT (Kohli and Tan 2016). The departments will oversee following expected dangers that are probably going to come amid the venture execution. The office will help in getting ready and setting methodologies that are fundamental for controlling the dangers and vulnerabilities. It includes directing every one of the undertakings and operations of the task to guarantee accomplishment of the objectives and goals of the business venture proposed. The supervisor will likewise be responsible of the execution of the task by drafting the venture spending plan, distinguish the undertaking likely imperatives, impediment and boundaries, he will likewise set the destinations and points of the task, the dangers and expectations and draft the timetable for the venture usage among different duties regarding the achievement of the venture. In any case, other outside and auspicious reports will be composed making attention to the official of the organization about the viability of the venture. Infrastructure requirements Development platform: The project will run under android and uploaded to Google for the easier download by every employee and the clients. As the application is a medium complex application, the requirement for android stage is supported. What's more, the market of the android group is more in contrast with the IOS clients. This will help the makers to achieve more potential clients and produce more client income. Coding languages and tools: The best programming languages used for android applications include the presence of Java programs. The greater part of the android applications is made utilizing the Java programming dialect. Likewise, HTML5 is another programming dialect that can be utilized as a part of place of the Java programming dialect. The utilization of HTML5 is required when an application requires the nearness of web-based applications. The programming tools that will be used are to be reviewed first to allow better efficiency in operations. These tools include editors with IDE, language resources, libraries and plugins. The IDEs are used to compile the program code and debug them. Cloud service: Cloud services should be used because the application needs the use of internet. There will be needing to develop specific internet protocol (IP Address) for the application. The mobile application should incorporate the cloud benefits that will be utilized for the smooth running of the versatile application. The data put away on the versatile application will be facilitated on the cloud server, with the end goal that the different experts can approach it effectively. Furthermore, the application will have some mix of the SaaS model permits easier integration in the cloud system. Software design, development methodologies and test strategies This section discusses about the outlines designing of the software, methodologies and the testing procedures that will be utilized. The application is designed to handle charting and conversation with a 3g and 4g communication network it can also be used to handle banking services and transactions. It empowers to spare recipient points of interest for next exchange sparing the season of sitting tight for stationary PCs to boot. Its outline reflects advanced mobile phones innovation and inventiveness. The usage of the portable correspondence application requires an efficient arrangement and there is a need of picking an appropriate strategy in building up the task and this will help in the powerful development of the organization PC, staff and all the organization's assets. Passwords recuperation highlight will likewise be incorporated in the application that will expel the requirement for inconsistencies. In addition, there is an administration tab for the clients to browse a scope of different administrations to pick. Moreover, the application will likewise show the colleagues will's identity in charge of operations or administrations. The application likewise demonstrates an about us page for showing their data and in addition a get in touch with us page for asking any questions. Thus, that techniques will be utilized in executing the portable correspondence application. The application will be put under test after each period of improvement. Test of the customers will be given the application to test the viability and whether it fulfills what is being created to impact. The improvement of the versatile application will be finished by utilizing the android stage and Java programming. Furthermore, the different devices and procedures that will be utilized is likewise talked about in the above areas of the report. Testing will be done after culmination of the application to know its structure. This can incorporate the requirement for emulators or genuine Smartphone to help encourage the prerequisites. Emulators have a minimal effort and are frequently free, yet they are not compelling in testing. The utilization of genuine gadgets for testing can energize to Internationalization Most common internationalization aspect of any mobile application is to serve the application installer file and application in different languages for people from different countries. Customers are able to buy and use an application when they find the app in their own language; regardless of most apps being offered with English language. This aspect starts with internationalization strategies and appropriate functionalities for global market. The globalization considerations are mentioned as following: Aiming Appropriate Countries: The developers and marketing team of mobile app should consider aiming for certain countries those can be interested in using this application. The developers should choose take Small Start then they should Take a Giant International Leap Forward. In other words, the developers should not commit their mobile application to all over the world at first launch; they should consider couple of leading countries such as Japan, China, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, and others. Application Localization: The application should be translated to other languages so that users can use the application in their native language. Furthermore, the developers should monitor the download statistics closely along with associated languages and countries. The help tips, privacy policy, metadata, text string, license agreement and push notifications should be translated in local languages for users. The application will be uploaded to online stores such as Google Play for enabling download from worldwide people with content in different local languages. Building Local Team: The developers require internationalization based on local teams in certain countries; for instance, when bigger uptake is in China, the developers should employ a local team in China to achieve more popularity. The surrounding elements of launched application should be accessible to users and in this part; resources should be dedicated in form of local team. The application should be ensured with certain level of quality so that it can reach a certain standard. Social media Social media is major way to integrate the particular application to a specific international audience; so that application sales and usage can be increased. The strategies are included as following: Choosing Integration over tools: The social media innovation and new social media can be introduced to people; therefore, the application should be integrated for each of them. The choice of integration strategy can increase young persons interested for application usage and new functionalities notification. Driving Social Media Actions against Business Goals: The social media actions should be considered with clear customer objective for making integration definable to all users. The application developers should consider customer objectives so that through proper purchase tunnel, the application can be made available. Aligning Social Media Channel to Business Strategy: Majority of applications are integrated with Facebook and Twitter; while other social media platforms should be chosen such as Instagram and Snapchat. The developers should choose the social media platforms for targeting the audience and proper brand positioning. Ensuring better Integration Success: In order to ensure better integration success, the success stories of the application should be shared. It can become organizational ethos and it can influence social media integration over business activities. Risk management The risk management in the project should ensure proper risk identification, prioritization, assessment and mitigation strategy identification. The assessment activity should incorporate risk identification and evaluation so that proper mitigation procedures can be applicable. Risk planning is to be used for minimizing the risk impacts and resolving such risks that are negative in nature. For this particular Hospital Management Application development, the identified risks are included as following: Errors in standalone application before launching Improper budget assumption and finalizing schedule without managing activities Less functional user interfaces Issues related to legacy system and new system migration procedures Unrealistic expectations for designed application Hospital Application risk management should be performed with some certain stages such as risk identification, assessment, and resolving the risks. As the risks are identified, the assessment process should be followed with certain evaluation procedures. The evaluation process is shown as following: Risk name Risk Types Risk impacts Risk likelihood Risk scoring Errors in standalone application before launching Development Risks Medium (3) Low (2) Almost Certain (6) Improper budget assumption and finalizing schedule without managing activities Project Management Risks High (4) Medium (3) Catastrophic (12) Less functional user interfaces Development Risks Medium (3) Low (2) Almost Certain (6) Issues related to legacy system and new system migration procedures After-Implementation Risks Low (2) Medium (3) Almost Certain (6) Unrealistic expectations for designed application After-Implementation Risks Medium (3) Low (2) Almost Certain (6) Table 1: Risk Assessment (Source: Created by author) As per risk assessment and evaluation, Improper budget assumption and finalizing schedule without managing activities is catastrophic risk. Other risks such as Errors in standalone application before launching, Less functional user interfaces, Issues related to legacy system and new system migration procedures, and Unrealistic expectations for designed application are identified as almost certain risk. The mitigation strategies are identified as following: Appropriate sessions of testing and better testing process should be used. Necessary contingency budget planning should be made and proper adjustments should be made. Design planning should be prepared for user interface designing. Proper migration strategy should be applied. Sophisticated application features should be chosen and feasibility test should be performed. Integration and Deployment strategies Integration of the hospital application should be performed in a way so that patients and doctors can share their individual experience of the application. The patients can share their treatment details to the other patients so that majority of them can be attracted towards the app use. This particular application should be developed for integrating with other applications such as patient monitoring system. The patient monitoring system should include this Hospital Management Application in order to incorporate deployment of additional functionalities such appointment setting, timely booking, and hospital alert system preparation. The deployment of integrated application should be performed so that hospital application can ease the issues of checking whether doctor is available or not, preparing patient treatment calendar and timely report generation alerts. User acceptance and change management User Acceptance: The user acceptance has been dealing with both the testing and the phases to test for the project. Here it is the project on Hospital Management Application software. This has been based on the considerations of the previous criteria mainly defined from before. The acceptance testing as the phase of the testing could take the direct place under the system of this project lifecycle. However, at maximum time it has been occurring at the finishing of the project. Further, it has been including the following elements: Regulation and contract acceptance testing User acceptance testing User acceptance testing (UAT) Field testing acceptance Beta testing Operational acceptance testing The UAT or the user acceptance testing has been one of the popular kinds of testing. It has been primarily including the present stakeholders. The perquisites of the User acceptance testing for the given hospital management software development must check that the business requirements are available. Moreover the developing of this application must be finished and the various levels of the testing like the System Testing, Integration Testing and the Unit Testing has been done. Every high priority, severity defects must be verified. It must be understood that not all the showstoppers could defect in that system. All the reported defects must be verified previously the user acceptance test begins. Moreover, the entire traceability matrix must be checked. Prior to the starting of the user acceptance testing the errors such as the cosmetic errors should be acceptable but must be completed. As the defects are tested the regression testing must be done for checking the fixing of the defect. This must break the additional working sectors. The team of the system testing that states that the software application has been ready to ex ecute the user acceptance test must deliver a sign-off. Change management: The developers have been often using various disparate applications making that hard for the development manager to fetch the big scenario and control the releases and changes. Moreover, to the previous fact, the developers require to possess the full knowledge of the complicated directory and the library structures for distributing or promoting codes. Thus a big challenge is faced. The change management solutions must automatically route and verify for approval. It must archive the change management necessities and the development projects. The organization must define the process to track every bug and change the requests. The solution provides an instantly accessible planning from where the approvers and the requestors could be provided the regular updates. Moreover, all the software change requests should be evaluates. The right authorization is also needed to be detected. The change management to the hospitality management application development process and gain the visibility across the complete application lifecycle must be linked. Moreover, the clients must be satisfied enough and state that while using the product they have been cutting down the relevant problems and incidents. This indicates the regular operations and moreover the service quality should develop drastically. Maintenance The software maintenance has been huge activity including the error correction, optimization and eradication of the discarded elements along with the enhancement of the current features. As the changes has been crucial the mechanism should be generated for controlling, making modifications and estimations. The important portion of the software maintenance needs the preparing of the proper plan while the development cycle goes on. The maintenance has been taking up of about most part of the project expense. Thus the focus on the maintenance has been obviously helping to the keep the expenses down. The process has been including the plan containing the software preparation, problem identification and finding out of the management of product configuration. The process of problem analysis has been including the checking of validity, testing that and coming up with the solution. Moreover, it must also include the process acceptance through confirming the modifications with the people who raised the request. The migration process of the platform must be used as the software has been required to be ported to other platforms instead of any alteration in the functionality. Future opportunities and Enhancement Future Opportunities: In the fact all the new hires will understand how to perform coding is important. This indicates the future users would be more educated in the software technologies. Hence, there would be the expectation or demands from the software that have been using on daily basis at home or at the workplace. The future users would be demanding the customization. They would definitely increasingly be able to customize all through themselves. This includes the new field to the form, changing, validations or the adding of the new workflow rule of routing. This also includes the integrating with the other applications. For the future the knowledge of coding would be used mostly to code the configuration of the software applications for the upcoming years. This is reverse to the developing of the latest software applications by all the people. As the application is not customizable the users in future would look for the alternatives quickly. This must also include the hacks comprising of the security and integrity of the hospital management development app that has been built very rigidly. The industry of the software development would not expire since all the people are aware of how to code. All that might be happening with the users of the next generation would be the most demanding in the software history. The users of regular basis would be now aware of the software applications built and demand the quality of the user experience. This also includes the customizations that have never been previously expected. The reality of the users in the future would demand the latest breed of the software developers. The first one is the person who could design the perquisites of the hospital management application software and the other one is the user who could code. The Enhancements: There are various areas of what the developers must be referred regarding the software enhancements for the hospital management. There must changes or additions made to the data coded hard under the system. There must be populating of the new happenings of the dynamic data. Moreover, there must be the upgrading of the software that must compatible with the data releases of the databases. There could be splitting of the physical screens to various physical screens without changing the functionality. Further the changing of the texts worth error messages could be a more user friendly attempt. The report rearrangement, creating extra menus and incorporating more highlighting of the screens is an effective approach. The applications could be tested for verifying the expected outcomes of the changes in the other application. Further there could be the increasing the list of outcomes for the current report through adjusting the filter for retrieving more proper values. Lastly the data elem ents could be added to the current reports. However, it must have reminded that enhancement from the functional point of view has been referring to functional and logical enhancements. This indicates the modifications to the elementary process o or the rational user requirements of the Hospital Management Application software. Recommendation Recommendation 1: The UI ought to be required into the procedure which specifically pull in the clients. Recommendation 2: The application ought to dependably be in a redesigned organize with the latest patches of upgradation associated with the procedure. Recommendation 3: The security angle ought to be considered as this is the most critical perspective which includes the information of the clients while they utilize the application. Conclusion This can be concluded from the report that the fundamental explanation for going for the global market is it makes the way to deal with the business and its general effect in a bigger scale. In any case, considering the idea of internationalization for most of the business is because of the factor that the nearby business has turned out to be especially deficient for the most part because of the factor of monetary scale and the open door which can be considered as numerous that are predominantly accessible in the outside market. A large portion of the official who are profitable will dependably need to attempt distinctive decent variety of the market ones they have picked up advantage from one field of business. The idea when actualized can specifically decrease the cost identified with the operation. Organizations who search for moving toward global standard normally investigate those business sectors which have a minimal effort which is identified with the leaving as it makes it pa rticularly less expensive for the enlisting idea of the representatives. 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