Sunday, May 17, 2020

Mr. Rios And Juvenile Criminal Justice System - 858 Words

Mr. Max Rios, a 35-year old divorced male, who has been incarcerated at the Cook County Department of Corrections for several months, has been waiting for his trial. As the Cook County Jail is primarily for holding pre-trial detainees, he was recommended by the local criminal justice system for a psychological evaluation before his trial due to numerous encounters with the law. Before the psychological evaluation was performed, Mr. Rios’s medical and juvenile/adult criminal records were requested to be examined along with a meeting with his ex-wife, former employer and parents. According to his medical records, Mr. Rios shows a history of anxiety along with episodes of depression also. As for his criminal record and a background check, it showed a history of problems with the legal system regarding extortion, aggravated assaults, identity theft, money laundering and numerous arrests for minor misconduct offenses along with a string of civil suits as well. In the one-on-one mee tings with his family and ex-boss, they were able to describe Mr. Rios’s behavior in more detail. His wife indicated he charmed her and seductively persuaded her to marry him within the 3 weeks of their first date. Soon after their wedding day, Mr. Rios moved into her home. Several weeks later he had liquidated her bank accounts and maxed out her credit cards. When he was confronted by his wife about their financial situation, Mr. Rios became arrogant and irrational in which he kicked her out of herShow MoreRelatedPrison Education Essay4573 Words   |  19 PagesUniversity of Wisconsin La-Crosse La-Crosse, Wisconsin April 16 - 18, 2009 Prison Culture, Education, and Recidivism Rates Caleb L. Fry and Lauren T. Rios Department of Anthropology Lake Tahoe Community College One College Drive South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 USA Faculty Advisor: Daryl G. Frazetti Abstract Given the number of inmates in the prison system and the high level of recidivism, it is important to seek out possible solutions to this growing problem. By implementing more educationally and

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