Thursday, November 21, 2019

Compare & contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Compare & contrast - Essay Example Personality From the above brief description, my two friends have very distinct personalities. George is more outgoing and quite a ladies’ man given his athleticism. John on the other hand, is the geek; knows everything, very intelligent and creative but quite boring if you happen to meet him for the first time. At one point, he had interests in quantum physics and would explain in details, what the field of quantum physics entailed, something we did not like and would literally walk away once he started with the complex terminologies. His rich knowledge is however be of help when it comes to tests, as a matter of fact, John has been our private tutor since fourth grade. If it were not for his services to the group as a private tutor, George would have dropped out of high school because all he has maintained over the many years of our friendship has been the muscles and good looks, his grades have been on the floor. With John’s services however, we can today say that ou r handsome friend’s grades are average. His outgoing personality is conversely very useful when it comes to reaching out to the females. Beautiful girls ask to be around us thanks to the quarter back. How we would miss the invitations to parties if George was not our friend. He has literally transformed our social lives with his charms on the females. Family Backgrounds My two friends have unique and interesting family backgrounds. The geek; John, has both his parents not only rich, but also living together. A single mother on the other hand, has raised George the hunky, his father was an alcoholic and walked out of them when he was in the first grade. This makes our group very interesting because when we go visiting at John’s family home, where we often visit because of the bowling alley in their basement, everything seems to be in order unlike at George’s where important toys are not available. John’s father is an investment banker possibly enjoying hug e yearend bonuses; that bowling alley sure looks too expensive to put up without a bonus. What is interesting is that even with the diversity in our family backgrounds, we have over the years made such an enviable pack of three and the disparities in our backgrounds is never visible. The main reason why John declined the offer to go to a private high school was the ‘clique’. He feared the civility in these exclusive schools and was worried that he could be out of touch with the clique if he stayed away too long. This is one sacrifice that we appreciate because we have no idea how life would be if the private tutor left us, those tests would be impossible, or worse still, George would not be a quarter back because he would have dropped out years ago, how sad would that be? Conclusion My friends are very important people to me because each adds value in a unique way. From the brief comparison, it has clearly emerged that these are two very distinct people in terms of pers onality and upbringing yet we hold one common value; true friendship. The ‘clique’ as we like to call ourselves, is what it is because of the different values each one of us adds to the team. Over the years of friendship with George and John, I have come to appreciate that God has good intentions in creating us in unique images, and putting us in the respective families. Through this diversity, we grow to be unique and proceed to make

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